
lunes, 13 de septiembre de 2010

Price of the m2 of departments in Rosario, Punta del Este, Córdoba, Puerto Madero in Argentina

He finishes comparative report of Sergio Villella Goods Properties in the four cities where it operates he/she leaves some pretty data to analyze: a m2 built in New Córdoba only costs a third of its equivalent one in Port Timber and less than the half that a similar property in Tip of the This. The differences “to favor” of our city they enlarge if we take other near neighborhoods to the center and of growing development: in Alberdi the averages are about among U$S 900 and U$S 1.300, in General Peace among U$S 1.050 and U$S 1.450 for square meter and in High Córdoba among the U$S 850 and the U$S 1.100. If we measure ourselves with Rosario, the things are changed and the comparison among similar properties throws much more even results. As they estimate from Sergio Villella Goods Properties, the shock wave in the prices of the properties will stay in the next future. (A comparative chart of the values of the m2 in New Córdoba, Rosario, Punta del Este and Puerto Madero).

Value for m2 in dollars:
----------- New Córdoba------Rosario----- Punta del Este (coast)----- Puerto Madero

mediates--------- 1.600----------- 1600--------------3.700------------------4.800

Maximum------- 2.500----------- 1.700------------- 7.680------------------- 8.800

Minimum------- 1.100------------1.300------------- 2.037------------------3.000

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